Battle tanks game
Battle tanks game

battle tanks game

Your mission now is to get to the Helm with Us. The Intellect Devourer will join your team as a companion of sorts while you progress. If you let Us live and don't harm them, they will be under the assumption that you're working together and ask you to get to the Helm to save the ship. Having the creature on your team can make the initial combat sequences on the ship much easier. Your choice here will impact how Us interacts with you.

battle tanks game

Then, you'll be able to choose to free the creature entirely or injure them so they're more subservient. Strength or Intellect) and pick one that aligns with your character's build for the best chance of rolling successfully. Make sure to look at the characteristics each option is associated with (e.g. You can choose to free the creature, remove them with brute force, or destroy them entirely. You'll be presented with a few options to choose from in order to deal with Us.

Battle tanks game